¡Necesitamos su apoyo hoy!
Sobre Nosotros
Salud Mental
Sordos & HoH
Puedes hacer undirecto y amp; positivo impacto sobre elsordo &erio; Comunidad con problemas de audición trabajando con nosotros en SJDHHC!
Tenemos puestos disponibles para cubrir una amplia gama de necesidades y servicios para nuestra comunidad sorda.
Working closely with the local Deaf community, you will have the opportunity to create a positive impact.
Share your talent and skills to the community!
Using Sign Language,
we are able to communicate and effortlessly work with our Deaf/Hard of Hearing clients. This prevents any unforeseen communication barriers or issues.
By using ASL and your knowledge & abilities altogether, you will form a strong and trusted bond with the Deaf community.
This allows their own culture and language to be understood in a safe space.
Employment opportunities can be quite difficult to secure for the Deaf community.
Our job is to secure equity for our community, and offer them a working opportunity with us to build experience and knowledge.
Community Health Worker
¡Contáctenos por teléfono, correo electrónico o formulario en línea, o visítenos en nuestra ubicación!
Email: info@alliesincaring.org
Teléfono: 609-561-8400
Fax: 1-609-543-0303
VP: 609-270-4398
Términos de Servicio