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Writer's pictureLuis Aguirre


Updated: Jun 23, 2021

Human beings have become accustomed to using classifications and categories, which have helped us identify and solve problems. Still, at the same time, we have ended up being classified and categorized among ourselves, by one or another characteristic or identification, under certain social stereotypes that they are considered "normal." However, how many human beings are left out of this characterization? Have you ever considered this? Could you imagine how you would feel? Have you ever been part of this classification? Have you been excluded? Have you excluded someone or others because of their differences or because of their identification?

I am not trying to make extensive analysis, nor do I try to make a value judgment. I only wish that each person can see (himself and others), as a unique and unrepeatable being, with capacities and limitations, with joys and sorrows, with successes and failures, and even more, with the irrevocable ability to take their own decisions and the ability to express their feelings freely and sincerely, with the right to be respected and with the obligation to respect others, taking into account their differences in all areas of their lives.

The celebration of pride month is an invitation presented to us to get closer to our realities and those around us. Primarily, we could recognize in our own families that at least one person identifies with one of the LGBTQ categories. In other words, in most families, if not all, there is at least one person who celebrates her uniqueness with pride. However, we may also find that someone has been left on the sidelines or has been excluded precisely because of this identification or because they do not identify with a socially accepted category. And we must remember that it is not only a celebration of the gay community, as the social imaginary usually presents it; It also includes people who identify as Lesbian, Bisexual, Transsexual, transgender, and those who identify as Queer. Precisely, this last category tends to generate many misunderstandings since Queer is described as strange, unusual, funny, peculiar, curious, bizarre, extravagant. Related to sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to socially established ones, especially heterosexual norms, but that does not necessarily exclude it. In this way, we can see the celebration of pride as an immense multicolored rainbow flag that invites us to identify with freedom, uniqueness, and humanity.

Therefore, I would like to ask you, dear reader, do any of these terms previously expressed describe you or a member of your family? If the answer is yes, then we are in tune to celebrate pride month as a family. With confidence, feel proud of being unique and different, and at the same time, being together; proud to support and accompany our children, nephews, friends, and acquaintances to show themselves as they are and not be discriminated from any point of view, much less by their own family.

Luis Aguirre, Behavioral Assistant at Allies in Caring, Inc.

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